Friday, February 18, 2005

Happily Boycotting Pro-Choice Oscar and Friends

From the Drudge Report :

Shock Oscar host Chris Rock recently declared that abortion in the United States is a "beautiful thing!"

"Abortion, it's beautiful, it's beautiful abortion is legal. I love going to an abortion rally to pick up women, cause you know they are f**king," Rock said during his club routine.

Veteran members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences have grown concerned over the choice of Chris Rock to represent the Academy before a worldwide audience, well-placed insiders claim.

"This is not who we are," said one top source from Los Angeles.


That's not who they are? That's arguable.


For what it's worth, I wrote to my local ABC affiliate:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We regretfully decline to view this year's Academy Awards program on ABC with Chris Rock as the host, due to Mr. Rock's comment that abortion is "a beautiful thing."

At best, Mr. Rock trivializes a grave matter. It is less than entertaining, and we prefer not to hear any more from him in any forum.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Julie Shockley
Mesa, AZ


I doubt my viewership will be missed. However, it is past time for these side-show entertainers to step off their soap boxes about social issues. Abortion is too serious to waste time listening to the remarks of people who use their heads only for photo-ops.


At 7:30 AM, Blogger Silent Rain Drops said...

O my, O my....

Thank you for following my blog. Your comment is appreciated, and I look forward to your response to my questions:

Can you help me understand how the fact that abortion has always been and will always be with us is relevant? Since Cain slew Abel, we have been killing each other. Sin is not justified by its existence.

As to what I should be doing, please tell me what I have written that makes you think I lack the compassion to do as you suggest? I ask, because John 18:23 came immediately to mind when I read your recommendation: "Jesus answered him, 'If I have spoken wrongly, bear witness to the wrong; but if I have spoken rightly, why do you strike me?'" Not that you struck me, of course. But your words seem to indicate that there is something lacking in what I do.

If we are blessed, we are able to use the gifts God gave us for His purposes. Romans 9:21 - "Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for beauty and another for menial use?" Here in this forum, I am a menial wordsmith of sorts, or perhaps I flatter myself. But not everyone can take the same role or perform the same duties. There is a need for many workers in the harvest. If all of them were gatherers, who would cut the wheat?

At 7:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I suggest to you continue to do what God has called you to do. There is no glory in following suggestions of man. God calls each of us for different tasks in his overall plan, and you are a light shining over the darkness of abortion. God bless you for listening to his direction and your contribution to society and the Pro-Life cause.

At 11:36 AM, Blogger Silent Rain Drops said...

O My, O my...

Your second comment is interesting, if somewhat non-responsive. I am not sure how it ties into your first comment. I have made no secret of my own weaknesses (they are many), so I still do not understand the purpose of your suggestion. If is important to you that I do, perhaps you will explain further.

Thank you, Anon, for your encouragement, and for saying "There is no glory in following the suggestions of man." I was reading 1 Corinthians this morning, and if I am not taking it out of context, I think it is said there, too, in 1 Cor 3:19: "For the wisdom of this world is folly with God."


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