Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Abortion is a health problem as well as a social evil

Please check the Elliott Institute’s website for an article entitled, “Forced Abortion in America.” Many young girls and women are being victimized, either coerced into abortion by those closest to them, or at times escorted to the abortion clinic by the same men who are molesting them, in order to hide the evidence of their crimes. The abortion clinics make no effort to counsel a girl or woman once they are in the door. They have no interest in her full consent, or even if she was legally of age to have been sexually active. Their goal, a very lucrative one, is to make money.

There are sixteen statistically significant epidemiological studies linking abortion to breast cancer. It increases a woman’s risk by more than 50%, and is particularly virulent if it is the first pregnancy that is aborted. If you recall the uproar when one study showed an increase in this cancer from hormone replacement therapy by just 26%, you will understand why the silence about abortion’s harmful effects disturb me.

About 80% of domestic violence victims report that their mates shift the focus of their beatings from her head and face to her stomach when it’s discovered she’s pregnant. The leading cause of death in pregnant women is HOMICIDE. This is not a religious issue, nor is this a made-up fact. NOW reports this on their website, and they are avidly pro-abortion. Why wouldn’t a man already prone to violence resort to it to end a pregnancy and burden he doesn’t want, when his own government sanctions it, and apparently everyone else is doing it? So he blames the pregnant woman, and gets rid of his problem as he is taught to do. If only she would just get rid of it, he would not be burdened with child support. This is, strangely enough, discrimination against men: they cannot decide whether to become fathers – it is forced on them if the woman doesn’t want an abortion.

Two-thirds of those who seek abortions are poor, young, and of minority. Eight of ten surveyed by the Elliott Institute would have made another choice if support had been offered to them. Thousands of women have publicly declared their pain, and who knows how many are still hiding it in shame.

Post-abortion-stress syndrome exists. It causes substance abuse, suicides, self-destructive and self-abusive behavior, repeated pregnancies (and often repeated abortions), promiscuity, and stress-related physical illnesses. No one talks about it, and even therapists try to disregard the evidence because they want to believe that abortion is good for women.

One of every four pregnancies today ends in abortion. Every day, 4,000 women walk into an abortuary and come out more prone to develop breast cancer and mortally wounded in a spiritual and emotional way they will not be able to describe, because they are not allowed to grieve their loss.

Perhaps you heard that “Jane Roe” is trying to have the Roe v. Wade decision overturned. In the evidence they had to consider, the judges realized that abortion is now more harmful to women than childbirth. Few people know that the Roe v. Wade decision contained a caveat – as long as abortion is safer than childbirth, it is made available. This isn’t true anymore. Additionally, abortion to save the life of the mother is practically non-existent thanks to neonatal technology, and partial birth abortion, killing a viable fetus in the womb, is never medically required and more dangerous than childbirth, according to a recent statement by the American Medical Association. These babies are delivered and saved by heroic efforts in one room, the room containing the wealthy, privileged mother, and destroyed in the next room, the one where we find our American brand of “untouchables.” Poor people. Women of color. Children and women of color, in poverty, forced to choose death. It is un-American.

Our Supreme Court is fallible – you will recall the Dred Scott case. One of the Texas judges responding to the Roe v. Wade appeal, who unfortunately had to reject it because a reversal would have no effect on Texas law, wrote the following in her recent decision:

"Hard and social science will of course progress even though the Supreme Court averts its eyes. It takes no expert prognosticator to know that research on women's mental and physical health following abortion will yield an eventual medical consensus, and neonatal science will push the frontiers of fetal "viability" ever closer to the date of conception. One may fervently hope that the Court will someday acknowledge such developments and re-evaluate Roe and Casey accordingly. That the Court's constitutional decision-making leaves our nation in a position of willful blindness to evolving knowledge should trouble any dispassionate observer not only about the abortion decisions, but about a number of other areas in which the Court unhesitatingly steps into the realm of social policy under the guise of constitutional adjudication."


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